Ray Sare .....TUESDAY MUSINGS.... ONE THING ABOUT ZIONISTS, IS THAT THEY NEVER LET THE TRUTH STAND IN THE WAY OF A PACK OF LIES!!! ...When I read this SCHINDLER'S LIST article, a few blatant lies and deceptions jumped out at me.... Hollywood Zionazi Mafia studio boss, director Steven Speilberg said that he expected or accepted no "personal" salary because it would be "Blood Money", but what he neglected to say, was that he is a principle partner in the film production company that earned over 300 Million on a budget of 20 Million to shoot Schindler's List...That's a lots of "BLOODY" SHEKELS!!! ...He also said that he didn't shoot the film in Auschwitz due to "respect for the dead"... BULLSHIT! ...The real reason that they had to build the sets themselves is because AUSCHWITZ didn't have the GAS CHAMBERS and the industrial size Crematoriums to sell the 6 million gassed Jews myth.... Speilberg also would have had to shoot around the Auschwitz schools, hospitals, playgrounds, swimming pool, soccer fields, theaters, canteens and the bordello... and perhaps the memorial marker that revised and reduced the amount of work camp deaths from 4 million Jews to 1.5 million (all nationalities, religions and cultures).. I could go on and on about how the GLORIFICATION AND ENDOWED SAINTHOOD placed on "the Righteous" Schindler (a war profiteer and carpetbagger) by the JEWISH ZIONAZIS in order to sell the Holocaust mythology distracts from the fact that the ROTHSCHILD BANKERS INTERNATIONAL ZIONIST MOVEMENT benefited and profited the most from the human misery of WW2 because their end game was the creation of FASCIST APARTHEID ISRAEL... IRONICALLY, to that sinister end, unwittingly OSCAR SCHINDLER joins ADOLF HITLER and the rest of the 3rd REICH as the "controlled opposition" in a Rothschild Zionazi powerplay to kill off the world's GOYIM via warfare, disease and slavery while ruling the world from their newly stolen Palestinian Territory.... AND THE LAST 20 minutes of the film's ending (Schindler freaking out in the factory about how many more lives he could have saved) was total shameless, schmaltzy, exploitive, pandering, emotional propaganda nonsense that no credible GOYIM director could lower themselves to filming... Finally, Speilberg's recruitment of his SHOAH FOUNDATION and their testimonials (hypocrisy - more "blood money" for his estate that he said that he didn't want to earn!) is a joke because historians have established that many of those testimonials were fabricated lies and the "victims" were self-serving Zionist con artists dining out and touring the world in style on the celebrity foundation slush fund grown from guilt-ridden Christian Zionist supporter donations!!! ...Oh to be a fly on the wall in a screening room with Mel Gibson or Bill Cosby having a few drinks and candidly commenting on this Zionazi Propaganda Masterpiece.... http://www.warhistoryonline.com/featured/25-things-schindlers_list.html

Теги других блогов: Holocaust Zionists Schindler's List